To: Board of Supervisors
From: Executive Office and Planning and Building Services
Meeting Date: October 18, 2022
Department Contact: |
Julia Krogg |
Phone: |
(707) 234-6650 |
Department Contact: |
Nash Gonzalez |
Phone: |
(707) 234-6650 |
Item Type: Consent Agenda |
Time Allocated for Item: N/A |
Agenda Title:
Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Filing of an Application for Multi-Element Update of the Local Coastal Program to the California Coastal Commission LCP Competitive Local Assistance Grant Program, in the Amount of $2,177,399, and Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to Execute the Agreement and Submit All Documents if Awarded
Recommended Action/Motion:
Adopt resolution authorizing filing of an application for multi-element update of the Local Coastal Program to the California Coastal Commission LCP Competitive Local Assistance Grant Program, in the amount of $2,177,399, authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute the agreement and submit all documents if awarded; and authorize Chair to sign same
Previous Board/Board Committee Actions:
No previous board action
Summary of Request:
The Budget Act of 2021 provides up to $31 million to support the Coastal Commission’s LCP Local Assistance Grant Program which awards grants to local governments to support coastal resiliency and updates to Local Coastal Programs (LCPs). The goal of the grant program is to develop new or updated LCPs in conformance with the California Coastal Act and to promote coastal resiliency and address the effects of climate change.
The proposed project consists of completing a multi-element update of the Mendocino County Local Coastal Program (LCP) and associated technical studies. The overall goal of the project is to improve local coastal planning in Mendocino County to better address coastal resiliency and climate change adaptation by updating technical studies, descriptions, policies, maps, and the implementation plan for the LCP in order to adapt to the impacts of climate change, sea level rise, and associated coastal hazards while maintaining the overall quality of the coastal zone environment in the interest of all people.
Details of the project can be found in the attached application.
Alternative Action/Motion:
Return to staff for alternative handling.
Does This Item Support the General Plan? Yes
Strategic Plan Priority Designation: A Prepared and Resilient County
Supervisorial District: All
vote requirement: Majority
Supplemental Information Available Online At: n/a
Fiscal Details:
source of funding: If award, a grant revenue of $2,177,399 |
budgeted in current f/y: N/A |
current f/y cost: n/a |
if no, please describe: |
annual recurring cost: n/a |
revenue agreement: N/A |
budget clarification: if awarded, will be manages by PBS |
Agreement/Resolution/Ordinance Approved by County Counsel: Yes
CEO Liaison: Executive Office |
CEO Review: Yes |
CEO Comments:
Executed By: Atlas Pearson, Senior Deputy Clerk |
Final Status:Adopted |
Date: October 18, 2022 |
Executed Item Type: Resolution Number: 22-206 |