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File #: 16-746    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Presentations Status: No Action Taken
File created: 6/28/2016 In control: Health and Human Services Agency
On agenda: 7/12/2016 Final action: 7/12/2016
Title: Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Status of Adult Mental Health Services Transition and Related Activities and the Kemper Consulting Group Mental Health Services Review
Sponsors: Health and Human Services Agency
Attachments: 1. 7.12.2016 Mental Health Services -Adult Services Transition Plan, 2. 07.12.2016 Kemper Review-Implementation Plan Update, 3. 07.12.2016 MOU Table, 4. 07.12.2016 EHR Update


To:  Board of Supervisors

FromHealth and Human Services Agency

Meeting DateJuly 12, 2016


Department Contact:  

Tammy Moss Chandler



Department Contact:  

Jenine Miller




Item Type:   Regular Agenda


Time Allocated for Item: 30 min.



Agenda Title:


Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Status of Adult Mental Health Services Transition and Related Activities and the Kemper Consulting Group Mental Health Services Review



Recommended Action/Motion:


Accept the update regarding the mental health services review and updates associated with the activities regarding mental health services, including the status of the Mental Health Adult Services Transition Plan, the status of the 2016 Mendocino County Mental Health Services System Review - Summary of Recommendation Implementation Plan, and the status of the various activities associated with mental health services.



Previous Board/Board Committee Actions:

August of 2105: The Executive Office contracted with the Kemper Consulting Group to perform a review of Mendocino County’s mental health services, particularly the delivery of services by the Administrative Service Organizations (ASO), Redwood Quality Management Company and Ortner Management Group.  The Executive Office received the Report on February 5, 2016, and upon receipt provided it to the Board of Supervisors.  The Report was made available to the public through a press release and the County website on February 8, 2016. 

February 16, 2016:  The Board of Supervisors received the report, including associated recommendations by the Kemper Consulting Group. 

March 1, 2016:  The Board of Supervisors discussed the Summary of Recommendations Implementation Plan associated with the Kemper Consulting Group mental health services review and the County’s proposed Request for Proposals (RFP) process and timelines. 

March 15, 2016:  The Board of Supervisors accepted the update regarding the Kemper Consulting Group mental health services review and update on the activities regarding mental health services, which included finalizing a contract with Redwood Quality Management Company (RQMC) for transitional mental health services to be presented to the Board for review and approval on April 5, 2016; additionally, the Board approved proceeding with Kemper Consulting on developing the adult mental health services transition plan and processes and timelines for the RFP for adult mental health services, with the target implementation of a new contract for related services no earlier than July 1, 2017.  The Board further requested that the contract with Kemper Consulting include provisions to assist the County Executive's Office with the implementation of the recommendations included in the Kemper Consulting Group’s “Review of Mendocino County’s Administrative Service Organization (ASO) Model for the Delivery of Mental Health Services”. 

April 5, 2016:  The Board of Supervisors received an update from staff regarding the following:  The current contract with Kemper Consulting Group, the Mental Health Adult Services Transition Plan and the Kemper Recommendations - Implementation Plan, and Mental Health services contracts and transition fiscal overview.  Further, the Board discussed and approved various service contracts and contract amendments related to the existing ASO contracts, as well as a new contract with RQMC for the provision of adult mental health services (this contract is for the provision of adult mental health transition services and the infrastructure for the Adult System of Care during the transition period from April 5, 2015 - June 30, 2016 is intended to be in place in order to prevent any potential disruption in critical and mandated mental health client services).  The Board also received various resource documents as part of the update, including Mental Health Quality Assurance/ Quality Improvement Summary (QA/QI) Table, Electronic Health Records Update, and an overview of the various Memorandums of Understanding as described in the Kemper Consulting Group report.

April 19, 2016:  The Board of Supervisors received an update from staff regarding the following:  The current contract with Kemper Consulting Group, the Mental Health Adult Services Transition Plan and the Kemper Recommendations - Implementation Plan, and Mental Health services contracts and transition fiscal overview, contracts and transition fiscal details, and the status of Adult Mental Health Services transition team meetings.

May 3, 2016:  The Board of Supervisors received an update from staff regarding the following:  the Mental Health Adult Services Transition Plan and the Kemper Recommendations - Implementation Plan, a table defining the MOU’s between the mental health partners, a presentation regarding Mental Health Month and the associated County-wide activities, an overview of the 2016 Mendocino County Mental Health System Mendocino County Housing Funds Feedback/Results Survey, an overview of the Mental Health Review/Audit , and an update regarding the Adult Mental Health Services - Transition Team Meetings.

May 17, 2016:  The Board of Supervisors received an update from staff regarding the following:  the Mental Health Adult Services Transition Plan and the Kemper Recommendations - Implementation Plan, a table defining the MOU’s between the mental health partners, and a presentation from Lee Kemper Consulting regarding the status of the County’s Mental Health adult services transition plan and the status/progress regarding the Mental Health Services System Review.

June 7, 2016:  The Board of Supervisors received an update from staff regarding the following:  the Mental Health Adult Services Transition Plan, the Kemper Recommendations - Implementation Plan, MOU’s between the mental health partners, and Electronic Health Records.  The Board discussed the provision of billing and documentation deliverables from Ortner Management Group, and approved Amendment 8 to the OMG contract #13-016.

June 21, 2016:  The Board of Supervisors received an update from staff regarding:  the Mental Health Adult Services Transition Plan, the Kemper Recommendations - Implementation Plan, MOU’s between the mental health partners, and Electronic Health Records. The Board discussed and approved two agreements with Redwood Quality Management Company to arrange and/or manage Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) and specialty Mental Health services, to children and youth age 24 and younger ($9,416,897); and adults age 25 and older ($5,143,103).  The Board also approved two contracts for residential care facilities and a 4-month contract with Ortner Management Group ($64,000) to provide funding for the necessary billing and associated administrative services remaining from the original ASO contract.


Summary of Request

Since March 15, 2016, the Board of Supervisors has received updates regarding the status of the County’s mental health services transition as a result of Ortner Management Group’s (OMG) notice of intention to the County to terminate their contract regarding the provision of Adult ASO Mental Health Services, effective June 30, 2016.  The Board has been presented with updates and a status of the Mental Health Adult Services Transition Plan that included timeframes associated with the various services, tasks and responsibilities, along with the Mendocino County Mental Health Services - Adult Services Transition Plan.







Subsequent to the June 21, 2016, Board of Supervisors meeting, the Health and Human Services Agency has the following updates for the Board associated with the County’s mental health services:


                     Mental Health Adult Services Transition Plan/Kemper Recommendations - Implementation Plan Updates:  Please refer to the attached ‘2016 Mendocino County Mental Health Services - Adult Services Transition Plan’ dated July 1, 2016.  The update includes the status of the services/tasks and progress to date.  The intent is to perform the services/tasks outlined in this transition plan during the listed timeframes to ensure the transition may be completed by June 30, 2016.  Also included is the ‘2016 Mendocino County Mental Health Services System Review - Summary of Recommendation Implementation Plan’ dated July 1, 2016, which includes the status and timeframes associated with the implementation of the recommendations resulting from the Kemper Consulting Group review.

                     MOU Table:  Please refer to the attached ‘Mendocino County Mental Health - Adult Services Transition Memoranda of Understanding Table’ dated July 1, 2016, describing the purpose, the partners included, and the status of each MOU.

                     Electronic Health Record (EHR) Table:  Please refer to the attached ‘Mendocino County Mental Health - Electronic Health Records Update’ dated July 1, 2016, that provides an overview and percentage completed of all related activities.

                     Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Annual Plan Update:  Presented for consideration on today’s Board agenda is the approval of the MHSA Annual Plan Update for fiscal year 2016-17.  Completion and approval of the update is required annually as a status report to the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC), and ensures funding for the next year.

                     Adult Mental Health Services - Transition Team Meetings:  The transition team meetings include representatives from the County, the Behavioral Health Advisory Board (BHAB), OMG and RQMC.  County staff present updates for discussion.  Transition meetings will continue in the new fiscal year with HHSA, RQMC, and the BHAB.  HHSA will continue to coordinate recommendation implementation with Lee Kemper Consulting Group.


Alternative Action/Motion:

Provide alternative direction related to the transition of adult mental health services.


Supplemental Information Available Online at: <>

Fiscal Impact:

Source of Funding: N/A

Budgeted in Current F/Y: N/A


Current F/Y Cost: N/A

Annual Recurring Cost: N/A





Supervisorial District:  All

Vote Requirement:  Majority


Agreement/Resolution/Ordinance Approved by County Counsel: N/A


CEO Liaison: Jill Martin, Deputy CEO



CEO Review: Yes 


