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File #: 23-0151    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Approval Status: Consent Agenda
File created: 1/18/2023 In control: Behavioral Health and Recovery Services
On agenda: 2/7/2023 Final action:
Title: Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Tulare County Office of Education in the Amount of $30,000, for Friday Night Live Affiliated Grant Expenditures Using Substance Abuse Prevention Block Grant Funds, Effective May 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023
Attachments: 1. Agreement 23-021, 2. Tulare County Superintendent of Schools, $19,000, 22-23, BHRS SUDT, BOS 22-257, Approved BAS, 3. Tulare County Office of Education, $11,000, 21-22, BHRS, BOS 22-055


To:  Board of Supervisors

FromBehavioral Health 

Meeting DateFebruary 7, 2023


Department Contact:  

Jenine Miller




Item Type:   Consent Agenda


Time Allocated for Item: N/A



Agenda Title:


Approval of Retroactive Agreement with Tulare County Office of Education in the Amount of $30,000, for Friday Night Live Affiliated Grant Expenditures Using Substance Abuse Prevention Block Grant Funds, Effective May 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023



Recommended Action/Motion:


Approve retroactive Agreement with Tulare County Office of Education in the amount of $30,000, for Friday Night Live affiliated grant expenditures using Substance Abuse Prevention Block Grant funds, effective May 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023; authorize the Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Director or designee to sign Amendments that do not increase the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same.



Previous Board/Board Committee Actions:

 March, 1, 2022, Item 3(y), Approval of Revenue Agreement No. BOS-22-055.


October 18, 2022, Item 3(p), Approval of Revenue Agreement No. BOS-22-257.                      


Summary of Request

The Department of Health Care Services, Substance Abuse Block Grant (SABG) funded revenue Agreements No. BOS-22-055 and No. BOS-22-257 between Tulare County Superintendent of Schools and Mendocino County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) for the Friday Night Live (FNL) Tobacco Advocacy Project. BHRS is authorized to use these funds for increasing and expanding FNL activities in Mendocino County. FNL is a partnership with youth in the community, providing opportunities for skills development, and youth leadership and activism around substance use prevention.


Using SABG funding, BHRS added additional chapters of FNL, and was able to support Mendocino County youth and mentors to attend the FNL Youth Summit in June of 2022 and November of 2022. Costs for this event included awareness raising FNL materials, and room and conference registration fees. These events were facilitated through Tulare County Office of Education (TCOE), and due to funding requirements, TCOE paid event fees incurred by Mendocino County up-front, to be reimbursed later using SABG funds.


BHRS originally planned to directly utilize SABG funding from revenue Agreements No. BOS-22-055 and No. BOS-22-257 for FNL Youth Summit expenses through simple withdrawals and payments to TCOE, but later learned this was not allowable. As a result, the proposed reimbursement Agreement with TCOE outlines the terms of this transaction, allowing BHRS to reimburse TCOE for Mendocino County’s FNL Youth Summit expenses.


Due to a lengthy negotiation period, the proposed Agreement with TCOE processed after the June and November 2022 FNL events, necessitating a retroactive start date. 


Alternative Action/Motion:

Return to staff for alternative handling.                     


Does This Item Support the General Plan? Yes


Strategic Plan Priority Designation: A Safe and Healthy County


Supervisorial District:  All


vote requirement:  Majority




Supplemental Information Available Online At:


Fiscal Details:

source of funding: DHCS SABG (CFNLP Mini Grant)

budgeted in current f/y: No

current f/y cost: FY 21/22 $11,000, FY 22/23 $19,000

if no, please describe: Higher Allocation  from TCOE; Requesting Q2 Adjustment

annual recurring cost: Varies with grant allocations

revenue agreement: No

 budget clarification: Associated with Revenue Agreements BOS-22-055 and BOS-22-257.

Agreement/Resolution/Ordinance Approved by County Counsel: Yes


CEO Liaison: Darcie Antle, CEO



CEO Review: Yes 



CEO Comments:



Executed By: Atlas Pearson, Senior Deputy Clerk

Final Status:Approved

Date: February 7, 2023

Executed Item Type: Agreement   Number: 23-021