To: Board of Supervisors
From: Sheriff-Coroner
Meeting Date: January 5, 2021
Department Contact: |
Matthew Kendall |
Phone: |
463-4085 |
Department Contact: |
Rose Britton |
Phone: |
463-4085 |
Item Type: Regular Agenda |
Time Allocated for Item: 30 Minutes |
Agenda Title:
Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Operation, Staffing, and Fiscal Plan for Additional Ten (10) Deputies to the Sheriff’s Operations to Address Organized Crime and Illegal Marijuana Grows in Mendocino County
(Sponsor: Sheriff-Coroner)
Recommended Action/Motion:
Approve the operation, staffing, and fiscal plan for additional ten (10) Deputies to the Sheriff’s operations to address organized crime and illegal marijuana grows in Mendocino County.
Previous Board/Board Committee Actions:
On October 6, 2020, the Board of Supervisors invited the Sheriff Matthew Kendall to explain the specific resources required to address the dramatic increase in organized crime associated with illegal marijuana operations including cultivation, sales and possession for sales within Mendocino County. The Board requested that the Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) return with a historical review of staffing trends, an overview of current Sheriff staffing allocations, by rank/title/type of position, an operation, staffing, and fiscal plan associated with the Sheriff’s operations, a report on current criminal activities and areas associated (including detailed long term crime trend chart from the Sheriff), a declaration of local emergency, and an affirmation of commitment to affected communities and law enforcement officers.
Summary of Request:
The Sheriff’s Office desires to hire ten (10) additional Deputies over a three-year period-4 in year 1 and 3 additional deputies in year 2 and 3-to address the increase in organized crime and illegal marijuana grows. The crime statistics connected to the increase in organized crime and illegal marijuana grows are fluid and rapidly changing. Since the October 6, 2020 discussion with the Board of Supervisors, additional kidnappings and crimes of violence have occurred and are under investigation while more crimes associated continue to be reported. It is thus imperative that the County address this ongoing crisis so that all Mendocino County residents can have a better quality of life and live in a safer community.
MCSO staff projects that the ongoing dollar amount needed for 10 Deputies is $901,869 in year 1, $1,357,541 in year 2, and $1,783,482 in year 3. The total projected cost of all 3 years is $4,042,892.
MCSO staff calculated the annual dollar amount using the following five categories of expenses: (1) personnel, (2) education and training, (3) law enforcement supply and services, (4) transportation and travel, and (5) equipment (vehicles).
The first expense category is personnel. MCSO staff used the salary scale of a Deputy Sheriff Coroner II 5% at Step 1 to project the cost of this category. The reason for using a Deputy Sheriff Coroner II 5% is that MCSO would ideally hire lateral peace officers for their training and experience. However, not all new Deputies will be lateral hires. The projected cost of a Deputy Sheriff Coroner I is approximately 20% less than Deputy Sheriff Coroner II 5%. The following projected cost is therefore the maximum obligation that MCSO expects to expend on personnel for the additional 10 Deputies. Personnel includes regular pay ($77,724 per employee), FICA ($4,733 per employee), Medicare ($1,104 per employee), retirement ($41,240 per employee), retirement COLA ($13,819 per employee), healthcare ($6,293 per employee). Personnel also includes overtime pay. This expense depends on community needs and natural and public health emergencies. Overtime pay is projected to be $14,573 in year 1, $26,232 in year 2 and $38,473 in year 3. The total cost of personnel is $619,029 in year 1, $1,109,511 in year 2 and $1,622,852 in year 3. Year 2 and 3 include an estimated 5% COLA and step increase. The projected personnel cost for 10 deputies over a 3-year period is$3,351,392.
The second expense category is education and training. Education and training includes the cost of sending recruits to the Police Academy ($5,000 per employee), field trainings ($481 per employee), and perishable skills trainings ($234 per employee). MCSO expects to expend $22,860 on education and training in year 1, and $17,145 in year 2 and 3. The projected cost of education and training for all 10 deputies is $57,150.
The third category is law enforcement supply and services. This category includes external and concealable vests ($1,145 per employee), firearms and ammunition ($1,500 per employee), safety equipment ($1,000 per employee), and safety clothing ($750 per employee). MCSO expects to expend $ $17,580 in year 1, $ $19,185 in year 2, and $ $23,685 in year 3. The total amount of each year after year 1 includes the recurring cost of ammunition for the guns purchased in the previous year. The projected cost of this category for all 10 deputies is $60,450.
The fourth category is transportation and travel-the cost of fuel and maintenance on the vehicles purchased. A patrol vehicle averages 15,000 miles per year. It costs MCSO $0.54 per mile to fuel and maintain each vehicle. That total cost of fuel and maintenance is therefore $8,100 per vehicle. MCSO expects to expend $32,400 on transportation and travel in year 1 for 4 vehicles, $56,700 in year 2 for 7 vehicles, and $64,800 in year 3 for 8 vehicles. The projected cost of transportation and travel over a 3-year period is $153,900.
The final category is equipment, specifically the purchase of vehicles. This cost depends on the assignment of the 10 Deputies. MCSO expects to purchase 4 cars-3 patrol vehicles and 1 undercover vehicle-in year 1, 2 additional patrol vehicles and 1 undercover in year 2, and 1 additional patrol in year 3. The estimated vehicle cost, including equipment and build costs, for a standard patrol vehicle is $55,000 per car and for an undercover vehicle is $45,000 per car. MCSO expects to expend $210,000 in year 1, and $155,000 in year 2, and $55,000 in year 3. The projected cost of all 8 vehicles is $420,000.
The purpose of this discussion is to seek the Mendocino County Board of Supervisor’s approval to increase law enforcement support by hiring 10 additional Deputies and to begin discussion to find funding to address the uptick in organized crime and illegal marijuana grows in Mendocino County.
Alternative Action/Motion:
Provide direction.
Supervisorial District: All
vote requirement: Majority
Supplemental Information Available Online At: N/A
Fiscal Details:
source of funding: TBD |
budgeted in current f/y: No |
current f/y cost: N/A |
if no, please describe: FY 20-21 budget could not account for the dramatic increase in organized crime and illegal marijuana grows |
annual recurring cost: Y1: $901,869; Y2: $1,357,541; Y3: $1,783,482 |
revenue agreement: N/A |
budget clarification: N/A |
Agreement/Resolution/Ordinance Approved by County Counsel: N/A
CEO Liaison: Executive Office |
CEO Review: No |
CEO Comments:
Executed By: Atlas Pearson, Deputy Clerk I |
Final Status:Direction Given to Staff |
Date: January 8, 2021 |
