From: Social Services
Meeting Date: June 25, 2024
Department Contact: |
Rachel Ebel-Elliot |
Phone: |
707-463-7761 |
Department Contact: |
Megan Van Sant |
Phone: |
707-463-7733 |
Item Type: Consent Agenda |
Time Allocated for Item: N/A |
Agenda Title:
Approval of Agreement with Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center in the Amount of $139,000, to Provide an Emergency Shelter to Individuals Experiencing Homelessness in Mendocino County Who Are Engaged in a Pathway to Housing Stability and Permanency, Effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025
Recommended Action/Motion:
Approve Agreement with Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center in the amount of $139,000, to provide an emergency shelter to individuals experiencing homelessness in Mendocino County who are engaged in a pathway to housing stability and permanency, effective July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025; authorize the Chief Executive Officer or designee to sign any future amendments that do not increase the maximum amount; and authorize Chair to sign same.
Previous Board/Board Committee Actions:
Ongoing Agreement. Most recent Action on May 23, 2023, Item No. 3(ag), BOS Agreement No. 23-083.
Summary of Request:
Mendocino County currently contracts with Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center (MCHC) to provide shelter services and related resources to clients at the Hospitality Center, located in Fort Bragg. These services address the needs of Mendocino County Department of Social Services Adult Protective Services clients, as well as additional individuals in Mendocino County who are experiencing homelessness and need to be sheltered. Through the proposed Agreement, MCHC will provide beds, meals, shower and laundry facilities, phone access, mail delivery, other amenities, outreach, Housing Stability Plans, and case management to qualified individuals. Additionally, this site serves as a central hub for local service providers to provide direct services and refer clients for other appropriate services.
Funding from the Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program allocation to Mendocino County, through Partnership HealthPlan of California, will be used to support the services described in this Agreement.
Alternative Action/Motion:
Return to staff for alternative handling.
Strategic Plan Priority Designation: A Safe and Healthy County
Supervisorial District: All
Vote Requirement: Majority
Supplemental Information Available Online At: HTTPS://WWW.MENDOCINOCHC.ORG/CENTER
Fiscal Details:
source of funding: Housing and Homelessness Incentive Program (HHIP) |
current f/y cost: $139,000 |
budget clarification: N/A |
annual recurring cost: $139,000 |
budgeted in current f/y (if no, please describe): Yes |
revenue agreement: No |
CEO Liaison: Steve Dunnicliff, Deputy CEO
CEO Review: Yes
CEO Comments:
Executed By: Atlas Pearson, Senior Deputy Clerk |
Final Status: Approved |
Date: June 25, 2024 |
Executed Item Type: Agreement |
Number: 24-106 |