To: Board of Supervisors
From: Water Agency
Meeting Date: March 28, 2023
Department Contact: |
Howard N. Dashiell |
Phone: |
707-463-4363 |
Item Type: Regular Agenda |
Time Allocated for Item: 30 Minutes |
Agenda Title:
Discussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of Update from EKI Environment and Water, Inc., Regarding Discussions and Recommendations of the Mendocino County Water Resources Team Technical Advisory Committee to Prioritize Community Water Needs (Countywide); and Provide Direction to Staff as Appropriate
(Sponsor: Water Agency)
Recommended Action/Motion:
Accept update from EKI Environment and Water, Inc., regarding discussions and recommendations of the Mendocino County Water Resources Team Technical Advisory Committee to prioritize community water needs (Countywide) and provide direction to staff as appropriate.
Previous Board/Board Committee Actions:
On April 20, 2021, the Board of Supervisors created an Ad Hoc Committee comprised of Supervisors McGourty and Haschak to work on drought-related issues. Mendocino Countywide Drought Task Force began as an Ad-Hoc Committee meeting with public stakeholders on July 8, 2021, from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. via Zoom and met bimonthly or quarterly thereafter. The Ad Hoc Committee provided updates to the Board of Supervisors on October 19, 2021, November 9, 2021, November 16, 2021, and December 14, 2021, with a final update to the Board on August 2, 2022, at which time the function of Drought Task Force Committee (required by SB 552) was transferred to the Public Health, Safety, and Resources Standing Committee. By Resolution Number (No.) 22-257 (December 13, 2022), the Board of Supervisors (BOS) approved BOS Agreement No. 22-310, with EKI Environment and Water, Inc. (EKI), to serve as the water resource specialist and to create a Mendocino County Water Resource Team (MCWRT) to serve as the Mendocino County Water Agency (MCWA). On February 27, 2023, PHS&R Committee comprised of Supervisors Gjerde and Williams discussed Technical Advisory Committee recommendations to prioritize community water projects for grant preparation assistance. On March 27, 2023 the PHS&R Committee discussed the presentation now before the Board on March 28, 2023.
Summary of Request:
On February 27, 2023, the Drought Task Force, now incorporated into the Public Health, Safety and Resources (PHSR) Standing Committee, received an update from EKI on the discussions and recommendations of the MCWRT Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to prioritize community water needs. The PHSR Standing Committee supported all projects on the prioritized list. The Board will now receive a presentation from EKI on their efforts to date including discussions and recommendations of the MCWRT TAC, including the prioritized list of community water projects.
Alternative Action/Motion:
Do not accept updates from EKI.
Does This Item Support the General Plan? Yes
Strategic Plan Priority Designation: A Prepared and Resilient County
Supervisorial District: All
vote requirement: Majority
Supplemental Information Available Online At: <>
Fiscal Details:
source of funding: $227,000 EKI contract, 23,000 various county departments MCWRT from PG&E settlement - BU 0326 Line Item: 862189 |
budgeted in current f/y: Yes |
current f/y cost: EKI contract Task 4 -Provide technical assistance and grant application support to Non-County Entities Subtask 4.1-Coordinate with NCEs to advance identified water planning and infrastructure projects $17,000 subtask 4.2-Identify grant opportunities and support and coordinate grant application preparation $71,000 Subtotal $88,000 |
if no, please describe: |
annual recurring cost: N/A |
revenue agreement: N/A |
budget clarification: N/A |
Agreement/Resolution/Ordinance Approved by County Counsel: N/A
CEO Liaison: Steve Dunnicliff, Deputy CEO |
CEO Review: Yes |
CEO Comments:
Executed By: Atlas Pearson, Senior Deputy Clerk |
Final Status: Approved with Direction |
Date: March 28, 2023 |