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File #: 23-1068    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 10/23/2023 In control: County Counsel
On agenda: 10/30/2023 Final action:
Title: Discussion and Possible Action Including Providing Recommendations to Staff and a Referral to the Board of Supervisors Regarding the Streamlining of Cannabis Department Programs and Chapter 10A.17 (Sponsors: County Counsel and Cannabis Department)
Sponsors: County Counsel
Attachments: 1. 2023-10-30-Staff Memo, 2. Cannabis Ordinance Amendment-Redline, 3. Cannabis Ordinance Amendment-Clean, 4. Ag Memo to Board from 12.13.22


To:  General Government Standing Committee

FromCounty Counsel and Cannabis

Meeting DateOctober 30, 2023


Department Contact:  

Jared Schwass



Department Contact:  

Sara McBurney



CEO Contact:  

Steve Dunnicliff




Time Allocated:   1 Hour





Agenda Title:


Discussion and Possible Action Including Providing Recommendations to Staff and a Referral to the Board of Supervisors Regarding the Streamlining of Cannabis Department Programs and Chapter 10A.17

(Sponsors: County Counsel and Cannabis Department)



Recommended Action/Motion:


Provide recommendations to staff and referral to the Board of Supervisors regarding the streamlining of Cannabis Department programs and Chapter 10A.17.



Previous Board/Board Committee Actions:

On May 17, 2022, the Board of Supervisors (Board) directed department staff to return with an answer as to whether the current cannabis ordinance process is as streamlined as possible, and if not, provide recommendations on more streamlined versions with pros and cons.


On October 4, 2022, the Board discussed and directed staff regarding the Cannabis Ad Hoc Recommendations, including direction to bring Ad Hoc Recommendations 8., 11., and 12., to the General Government Committee for discussion and recommendation.


On March 14, 2023, the Board directed County Counsel to prepare a draft ordinance and environmental document removing or streamlining local cannabis permit requirements while maintaining all of the same environmental protection measures.


At an April 14, 2023 special meeting of the General Government Committee, a draft of the ordinance was reviewed, and recommendations were made.


On May 23, 2023, the Board of Supervisors adopted 23-0600, an Addendum to the Previous Adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration for Amendments to Mendocino County Code Chapters 10A.17 and 20.242 Streamline Cannabis Cultivation Permitting Processes and Approving an Amended Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program.


During the September 25, 2023 General Government Committee (GGC) meeting, the GGC set a special meeting to discuss potential changes to Chapter 10A.17 and make recommendations, potentially to include a referral to the full Board.


On October 10, 2023, the special GGC meeting was held and staff received input and recommendations from the GGC and the cannabis community. Staff was asked to make the recommended changes and to bring the revised draft ordinance amendment back to the GGC for further review and possible referral to the Board of Supervisors.                     


Summary of Request/Referral

Staff from the Cannabis Department and Office of County Counsel have conducted two public meetings to receive feedback from the community on opportunities to further streamline the cannabis program.  Input was also received from the GGC on October 10, 2023. County staff and made additional changes based on the GGC’s recommendations and community feedback. Those changes are now being presented to the GGC and staff from the Cannabis Department and Office of County Counsel are requesting a referral to the Board of Supervisors from the Standing Committee. 




Supplemental Information Available Online At: N/A


Fiscal Details:

source of funding: N/A

budgeted in current f/y: N/A

current f/y cost: N/A

if no, please describe:

annual recurring cost: N/A

revenue agreement: N/A

 budget clarification: N/A



CEO Liaison: Executive Office



CEO Review: Yes 



CEO Comments:



Executed By: Deputy Clerk

Final Status:Item Status

Date: Date Executed

Executed Item Type: item   Number: