From: Executive Office
Meeting Date: January 7, 2025
Department Contact: |
Darcie Antle |
Phone: |
707-463-4441 |
Department Contact: |
Tony Rakes |
Phone: |
707-463-4441 |
Item Type: Consent Agenda |
Time Allocated for Item: N/A |
Agenda Title:
Adoption of Resolution Designating the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as Official Responsible for Proposing and Facilitating the Development and Submission of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025-2026 Budget
Recommended Action/Motion:
Adopt Resolution designating the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as the official responsible for proposing and facilitating the development and submission of the FY 2025-2026 Budget; and authorize Chair to sign same.
Previous Board/Board Committee Actions:
Annually, the Board of Supervisors designates an official responsible for the preparation of the annual Budget. The official appointed by the Board of Supervisors has been the CEO, both in annual Resolutions and in County Code.
Summary of Request:
The Board of Supervisors is required by Government Code 29045 to designate the Chief Executive Officer, or Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector, as the official responsible for the preparation and submission of the Proposed Budget, and to further split budgetary responsibilities between the two offices in compliance with various State and professional standards. Chapter 2.28 of the Mendocino County Code (a.k.a. The CEO Ordinance) designates the Chief Executive Officer as the official responsible for the preparation and submission of the Proposed Budget. As required by state law, the Executive Office has annually requested that the Board of Supervisors designate the Chief Executive Officer, or Auditor, as the official responsible for the preparation and recommendation to the Board of the Proposed Budget. The attached Resolution designates the Chief Executive Officer to prescribe procedure, receive and compile budget requests, prepare and submit budgets upon non-performance (including procedural non-performance) of any county official, and present the Proposed Budget by June 30th this year to the Board. The Resolution also designates the Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector to revise the Proposed Budget to reflect Board actions for the Adopted Budget, Government Code Section 29083(b).
Alternative Action/Motion:
Board to provide direction to staff on the delegation of budget authority. The staff are to return with an updated resolution reflecting that direction.
Strategic Plan Priority Designation: An Effective County Government
Supervisorial District: All
Vote Requirement: Majority
Supplemental Information Available Online At: N/A
Fiscal Details:
source of funding: N/A |
current f/y cost: N/A |
budget clarification: N/A |
annual recurring cost: N/A |
budgeted in current f/y (if no, please describe): N/A |
revenue agreement: N/A |
CEO Liaison: Executive Office
CEO Review: Yes
CEO Comments:
Executed By: Atlas Pearson, Senior Deputy Clerk |
Final Status: Adopted |
Date: January 7, 2025 |
Executed Item Type: Resolution |
Number: 25-001 |