To: Board of Supervisors
From: Public Health
Meeting Date: December 5, 2023
Department Contact: |
Marlayna Duley |
Phone: |
707-234-6635 |
Department Contact: |
Steve Dunnicliff |
Phone: |
707-463-4441 |
Item Type: Consent Agenda |
Time Allocated for Item: N/A |
Agenda Title:
Approval to Purchase One (1) Photoionization Detection Instrument, in the Amount of $6,040.40, to Provide Identification of Volatile Organic Compounds at Hazardous Materials Release Incidents; and Authorization to Add Item to the County’s Fixed Asset List
Recommended Action/Motion:
Approve purchase of one (1) photoionization detection instrument, in the amount of $6,040.40, to provide identification of volatile organic compounds at hazardous materials release incidents; and authorize the addition of the item to the County’s fixed asset list.
Previous Board/Board Committee Actions:
Summary of Request:
Environmental Health’s Redwood Empire Hazardous Incident Team (REHIT) utilizes specialized equipment to identify possible life safety and environmental hazards when responding to a hazardous materials release. This equipment needs to be maintained regularly and replaced periodically. REHIT’s current photoionization detector had a battery failure, and it was discovered that this model is no longer supported with parts from the manufacturer. The instrument needs to be replaced.
Alternative Action/Motion:
Return to staff for alternative handling.
Does This Item Support the General Plan? Yes
Strategic Plan Priority Designation: A Prepared and Resilient County
Supervisorial District: All
vote requirement: Majority
Supplemental Information Available Online At: n/a
Fiscal Details:
source of funding: EHDR2 - 862239 |
budgeted in current f/y: Yes |
current f/y cost: $6040.40 |
if no, please describe: |
annual recurring cost: $300.00 |
revenue agreement: No |
budget clarification: Equipment maintenance and replacement is routinely budgeted into EHDR2. |
Agreement/Resolution/Ordinance Approved by County Counsel: N/A
CEO Liaison: Darcie Antle, CEO |
CEO Review: Yes |
CEO Comments:
Executed By: Atlas Pearson, Senior Deputy Clerk |
Final Status: Approved |
Date: December 5, 2023 |