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File #: 23-1129    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Approval Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 11/20/2023 In control: Executive Office
On agenda: 12/5/2023 Final action:
Title: Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction of Staff Regarding the Redwood Complex Ignition Resistant Project (Sponsor: Executive Office)
Attachments: 1. Ignition Resistant Participant List 2023, 2. Ignition Resistant Memo, 3. 12-05-23 Ignition Resistant Memo - Redline


To:  Board of Supervisors

FromExecutive Office

Meeting DateDecember 5, 2023


Department Contact:  

Travis Killmer



Department Contact:  

Xuyen Mallela




Item Type:   Regular Agenda


Time Allocated for Item: 15 Minutes



Agenda Title:


Discussion and Possible Action Including Direction of Staff Regarding the Redwood Complex Ignition Resistant Project

(Sponsor: Executive Office)



Recommended Action/Motion:


Provide direction to staff regarding the Redwood Complex Ignition Resistant Project.



Previous Board/Board Committee Actions:

The Board approved delegating signatory authority to the CEO for execute funding agreements at the February 28, 2023, meeting.                     


Summary of Request

The Redwood Complex Ignition-Resistant Construction Project (“Project”) is a rebate program intended to incentivize homeowners to replace flammable roofing materials with non-flammable materials to improve community resiliency in the face of wildfire and prevent loss of life and property.


The Project currently includes 45 properties of homeowners who have completed the application, been found conditionally eligible, completed environmental and historical review, and completed defensible space as required by FEMA.


Rising construction costs, both in materials and labor and the elapsed time between Phase I and Phase II have seen the cost per roof increase exponentially, and individual projects have required updated construction bids. Additionally, many initial construction bids did not account for prevailing wage which is a FEMA requirement.


The total cost of the 69.9% reimbursement for the 45 projects has increased over 20% due to cost increases with a minimum of 9 additional projects still requiring an updated construction bid. At this time, the likelihood that the eventual cost of reimbursing 69.9% of the construction costs on all projects will exceed the available grant funding is high.


On February 28, 2023 staff brought a list of grant awardees to the Board of Supervisors along with a delegation of authority to enter into agreements with the awardees, which was approved on the consent calendar.  After that date, staff began to prepare grant agreements and related forms, and proceeded with execution of nine (9) agreements and notices to proceed being given for those nine agreements.  The grant amounts of the agreements ranged from $11,778.15 to $65,450.17.  In the process of preparing additional agreements, concerns began to be raised about the size of certain roof projects that had been deemed eligible.  This led to additional discussions with CalOES regarding program eligibility and policies.


Staff is returning to the Board at this time for the adoption of additional policies related to the applications remaining in queue.  Project costs have risen such that staff will likely need to make decisions about which applications can be funded, and staff needs policy determinations from the Board to guide those decisions.


Alternative Action/Motion:

Return to staff for alternative handling.                     


Does This Item Support the General Plan? N/A


Strategic Plan Priority Designation: A Prepared and Resilient County


Supervisorial District:  All


vote requirement:  Majority




Supplemental Information Available Online At: n/a


Fiscal Details:

source of funding: This project is grant funded, with the program participants contributing the local match

budgeted in current f/y: Yes

current f/y cost: grant funded

if no, please describe:

annual recurring cost: N/A

revenue agreement: N/A

 budget clarification: Disaster Recovery budget unit

Agreement/Resolution/Ordinance Approved by County Counsel: N/A


CEO Liaison: Executive Office



CEO Review: Yes 



CEO Comments:



Executed By: Atlas Pearson, Senior Deputy Clerk

Final Status: Direction Given to Staff

Date: December 5, 2023