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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/18/2022 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Board Chambers, Room 1070 County Administration Center
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-1108 14a) ResolutionNoticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution of the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors for Temporary Road Closure of Dogwood Terrace, County Road 641A, and Dogwood Lane, County Road 641B, for 18 months to Prevent Serious and Continual Illegal Dumping (Brooktrails Area) (Sponsors: Supervisor Haschak and Transportation)   Not available Video Video
22-1227 14b) ApprovalDiscussion and Possible Action to Provide Clarification that Dead/Hazardous Vegetation Removal is Not “Development”; and Direction to Planning and Building Services to Deprioritize All Related Code Enforcement (Sponsor: Supervisor Williams)   Not available Video Video
22-1211 14c) ApprovalPresentation of the 2021-22 California State Association of Counties Executive Credential Program Graduates (Sponsor: Executive Office)   Not available Video Video
22-1238 14d) PresentationsDiscussion and Possible Action Including (1) Adoption of a Resolution Approving and Adopting an Addendum to the Previously Adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, in Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act Requirements, for Amendments to Chapter 10A.17 of the Mendocino County Code to Establish an Appeals Process and Define Department as the Cannabis Department; and (2) Introduction and Waive First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 10A.17 - Mendocino Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance to Establish an Appeals Process and Define Department as the Cannabis Department (Sponsor: County Counsel)   Not available Video Video
22-0136 14e) PresentationsChief Executive Officer's Report (Sponsor: Executive Office)   Not available Video Video
22-0158 14f) PresentationsDiscussion and Possible Action Including Review, Adoption, Amendment, Consideration or Ratification of Legislation Pursuant to the Adopted Legislative Platform (Sponsor: Executive Office)   Not available Video Video
22-0202 14g) PresentationsSupervisors’ Reports Regarding Board Special Assignments, Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Meetings, and Other Items of General Interest   Not available Video Video
22-1230 16a) Closed SessionPursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 - Conference with Labor Negotiator - Agency Negotiators: Darcie Antle, Cherie Johnson, and Jon Holtzman; Employee Organization(s): All   Not available Not available
22-1231 16b) Closed SessionPursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Initiation of Litigation: One Case   Not available Not available
22-1228 16c) Closed SessionPursuant to Government Code Section 54957 - Public Employee Appointment - Air Pollution Control Officer   Not available Not available
22-1237 16d) Closed SessionPursuant to Government Code Section 54957 - Public Employee Appointment - Deputy Air Pollution Control Officer   Not available Not available
22-1229 16e) Closed SessionPursuant to Government Code Section 54957 - Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Cannabis Director   Not available Not available
22-1239 16f) Closed SessionPursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) - Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: One Case - Mendocino County Sheriff Matthew Kendall v. Mendocino County Board of Supervisors - First District Court of Appeal Case No. A164676   Not available Not available
22-1240 13a) MinutesApproval of Minutes of October 4, 2022 Regular Meeting   Not available Not available
22-1191 13b) AppointmentApproval of Recommended Appointments/Reappointments   Not available Not available
22-1188 13c) ApprovalApproval of Recommended Special District Appointments   Not available Not available
22-1224 13d) ApprovalAdoption of an Ordinance Amending Chapters 2.04, 2.28, 3.16, 8.69, 9.05, 9.40, and 20.243 of the Mendocino County Code Pertaining to the Duties and Responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer and Replacing County Code References to “Health and Human Services Agency” with the Departments of Behavioral Health & Recovery Services, Public Health and/or Social Services (Sponsors: Chair Williams and County Counsel)   Not available Not available
22-1220 13e) ProclamationAdoption of Proclamation Recognizing October 8, 2022 as the Fifth Anniversary of the Redwood Complex Fire in Mendocino County   Not available Not available
22-1219 13f) ApprovalAdoption of Resolution Authorizing Filing of an Application for Multi-Element Update of the Local Coastal Program to the California Coastal Commission LCP Competitive Local Assistance Grant Program, in the Amount of $2,177,399, and Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to Execute the Agreement and Submit All Documents if Awarded   Not available Not available
22-1198 13g) AgreementApproval of Agreement with Redwood Valley-Calpella Fire District (RVCFD) in the Amount of $50,000 from One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric Disaster Settlement Funds, to Update the Front Entrance at the RVCFD Fire House, to be in Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act Regulations, Effective Upon Full Execution Through June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-1197 13h) AgreementApproval of Agreement with Redwood Valley-Calpella Fire District (RVCFD) in the Amount of $40,000 from One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric Disaster Settlement Funds, for Purchase and Installation of an Exhaust Extraction System in the Vehicle Bays at the RVCFD Fire House, Effective Upon Full Execution Through June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-1207 13i) AgreementApproval of Agreement with Redwood Valley Calpella Fire District in the Amount of $25,000 of One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric Disaster Settlement Funds for the Purchase of the Lexipol Policy, Procedures and Training Program for Volunteers, Staff and the Board of Directors, Effective Upon Full Execution Through December 31, 2027   Not available Not available
22-1212 13j) AgreementApproval of Agreement with ClientFirst Consulting Group DBA ClientFirst Technology Consulting in the Amount of $100,000, to Assist with Payroll Processing Project Management, Provide Project Oversight for Recurring Munis Improvements, and Initiate and Plan for Munis Improvements in 2022 through 2023, Effective Upon Full Execution through June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-1214 13k) AgreementApproval of First Amendment to BOS Agreement No. 21-222 (Second Amendment Overall) with Redwood Valley Calpella Fire District in the Amount of $0 for a Total Amount of $500,000 from One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds to Purchase and Retrofit a Type 3 Wildland Truck, Effective Upon Full Execution through June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-1226 13l) ApprovalRatification of Submission of Grant Application for the Local Agency Technical Assistance (LATA) Grant Program Funding Opportunity from the California Public Utilities Corporation (CPUC) in the Amount of $500,000 and Authorizing the Chief Executive Office to Execute Grant Agreement and Submit All Documents if Awarded   Not available Not available
22-1203 13m) ApprovalApproval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sonoma County for Licensed Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer of Weights & Measures Services, Beginning Upon Execution Through April 18, 2023, in an Amount Not to Exceed $50,000   Not available Not available
22-1189 13n) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Agreement with California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) in the Amount of $21,368.95 for the Reimbursement of High Risk Program Activities for Term Dates of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023; and Authorization for the Assistant Agricultural Commissioner to Sign any Amendments Thereto That Do Not Increase the Maximum Total Amount of the Agreement and Provide Any Assurances or Certifications Required to Enter into the Agreement   Not available Not available
22-1190 13o) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Agreement with California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) in the Amount of $500 for the Reimbursement of Nursery Program Activities for Term Dates of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023; and Authorization for the Assistant Agricultural Commissioner to Sign any Amendments Thereto That Do Not Increase the Maximum Total Amount of the Agreement and Provide Any Assurances or Certifications Required to Enter into the Agreement   Not available Not available
22-1192 13p) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Grant Agreement with Tulare County Superintendent of Schools in the Amount of $19,000, to Implement a Club Live/Friday Night Live Chapter, Effective July 1, 2022 Through June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-1194 13q) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Agreement with National Outdoor Media in the Amount of $16,106, for Use of Static Billboards on Highway 101 for an 8-Week Period, Effective May 23, 2022, Through July 17, 2022   Not available Not available
22-1205 13r) Resolution-AgreementApproval of Retroactive Performance Agreement No. 22-20114 with the California Department of Health Care Services in the Amount of $0, for the County to Provide Specialty Mental Health Services, Effective July 1, 2022 Through June 30, 2027; and Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Director to Sign Performance Agreement No. 22-20114, and Any Amendments or Renewals that Do Not Exceed the Maximum Amount Associated with the Agreement   Not available Not available
22-1193 13s) ApprovalRatification of Submission of Grant Application to Partnership HealthPlan of California (PHC), for the PHC California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal Grant Program; and Approval of Resulting Grant Agreement with PHC in the Amount of $339,106, for Services to Improve the Health and Care for Medi-Cal Members Enrolled with PHC, Effective Upon Signing Through December 31, 2023   Not available Not available
22-1206 13t) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Agreement with California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) in the Amount of $231,654.00 for the Reimbursement of Sensitive Species Habitat Review Referrals Conducted Pursuant to Chapter 10A.17, For Term Dates February 2, 2021, through November 2, 2022   Not available Not available
22-1088 13u) ProclamationAdoption of Proclamation Recognizing October 16-22 as Friends of the Library Appreciation Week in Mendocino County   Not available Not available
22-1141 13v) ProclamationAdoption of Proclamation Recognizing the Recipients of the 2022 Arts Champion Awards as Nominated by the Community and Selected by the Arts Council of Mendocino County: Gallery Bookshop & Bookwinkle’s Children’s Books, Business Champion; Yoli Rose, Artist Champion; Nick Schwartz of Cider Creek Collective, Individual Champion; Molly Dwyer, Educator Champion; and Deep Valley Arts Collective, Arts Organization   Not available Not available
22-1209 13w) ApprovalAuthorization of Blanket Declaration of Surplus Property and Authorization for Purchasing Agent to Dispose of Said Surplus Property Throughout Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2023   Not available Not available
22-1204 13x) ApprovalAdoption of Resolution Amending Position Allocation Table as Follows: Budget Unit 1160 - Delete 1.0 FTE Staff Assistant III, Position No 3643, and 1.0 FTE Program Administrator, Position No 4258; Add 1.0 FTE Administrative Assistant and 2.0 FTE Department Analyst II; and Authorize the Reclassification of Incumbent, Budget Unit 1610 - Revision of the Salary Range of the Facility & Fleet Division Manager from $40.04 - $48.67 to $45.18 - $54.91   Not available Not available
22-1225 13y) ApprovalApproval of Amendment to County Policy #39, Catastrophic Leave   Not available Not available
22-1210 13z) ApprovalApproval of Transmission of Authorization Letter Requesting Responsibility for the Domain Name of   Not available Not available
22-1213 13aa) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Service Level Agreement with Lake County Sheriff's Office in the Amount of $3,000 Anticipated Revenue for Microwave and Radio Systems Support and Maintenance, Effective July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-1215 13ab) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Service Level Agreement with City of Ukiah Police Department in the Amount of $6,300 Anticipated Revenue for Microwave and Radio Systems Support and Maintenance, Effective July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-1216 13ac) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Service Level Agreement with Mendocino County Department of Child Support in the Amount of $10,500 Anticipated Revenue for Professional Assistance and Technical Support, Effective July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-1217 13ad) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Service Level Agreement with Mendocino County Employees’ Retirement Association in the Amount of $6,000 Anticipated Revenue for Professional Assistance and Technical Support, Effective July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-1176 13ae) AgreementApproval of Second Amendment to Purchasing Agreement 21-124 and First Amendment to BOS Agreement 22-210 with North Coast Community Planning (NCCP) in the Amount of $10,000 for a New Total of $70,000 to Provide Continued Project Management and Consulting Services for Bella Vista Major Subdivision Land Development Project and to Extend the Termination Date to June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-1208 13af) ApprovalRatification of Submission of Grant Application for the California Department of Public Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Crisis Response: COVID-19 Public Workforce and Immunization Champions Program Funding in the Amount of Approximately $106, 634.50, to Establish, Expand, Train, and Sustain a Response-Ready Public Health Workforce, and to Designate Staff to Support Immunizations in Schools, Effective July 1, 2022 Through June 30, 2023; Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Submission of Grant Application and Acceptance of Funds, and Authorizing the Public Health Director to Sign Resulting Retroactive Allocation Agreement and Any Amendments that Do Not Exceed the Maximum Possible Amount of $117, 300   Not available Not available
22-1195 13ag) ApprovalApproval of Agreement (First Amendment to Agreement No. SS-21-103) with North Coast Opportunities, Inc., in the Amount of $200,000 for a New Total of $224,525, for Administrative and Fiscal Services Related to the Housing Needs Flex Fund, Effective April 1, 2022 Through December 31, 2023   Not available Not available