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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/12/2022 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Board Chambers, Room 1070 County Administration Center
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-0173 12a) CommunicationPublic Expression   Not available Video Video
22-0918 14a) ApprovalDiscussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of a Resolution Adopting Revised Rules of Order and Procedure of the Board of Supervisors (Sponsor: Executive Office)   Not available Video Video
22-0918 14a) ApprovalDiscussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of a Resolution Adopting Revised Rules of Order and Procedure of the Board of Supervisors (Sponsor: Executive Office)   Not available Not available
22-0928 14b) Resolution-OrdinanceDiscussion and Possible Action Including (1) Adoption of an Urgency Ordinance Accelerating the Consolidation of the Offices of Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector; and (2) Adoption of a Resolution Amending the Position Allocation Table and Appointing Chamise Cubbison to the Position of Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector (Sponsor: County Counsel)   Not available Video Video
22-0928 14b) Resolution-OrdinanceDiscussion and Possible Action Including (1) Adoption of an Urgency Ordinance Accelerating the Consolidation of the Offices of Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector; and (2) Adoption of a Resolution Amending the Position Allocation Table and Appointing Chamise Cubbison to the Position of Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector (Sponsor: County Counsel)   Not available Not available
22-0905 14c) OrdinanceDiscussion and Possible Action Including Introduction and Waive Reading of an Ordinance Adding Chapter 5.200 to Title 5 of the Mendocino County Code Imposing a County Essential Services Transactions and Use Tax (Sponsor: County Counsel)   Not available Video Video
22-0905 14c) OrdinanceDiscussion and Possible Action Including Introduction and Waive Reading of an Ordinance Adding Chapter 5.200 to Title 5 of the Mendocino County Code Imposing a County Essential Services Transactions and Use Tax (Sponsor: County Counsel)   Not available Not available
22-0927 14d) ResolutionDiscussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution of Intent to Spend New Tax Revenues on Fire Protection and Emergency Services (Sponsor: County Counsel)   Not available Video Video
22-0927 14d) ResolutionDiscussion and Possible Action Including Adoption of Resolution of Intent to Spend New Tax Revenues on Fire Protection and Emergency Services (Sponsor: County Counsel)   Not available Not available
22-0129 14e) PresentationsChief Executive Officer's Report (Sponsor: Executive Office)   Not available Not available
22-0129 14e) PresentationsChief Executive Officer's Report (Sponsor: Executive Office)   Not available Video Video
22-0151 14f) PresentationsDiscussion and Possible Action Including Review, Adoption, Amendment, Consideration or Ratification of Legislation Pursuant to the Adopted Legislative Platform (Sponsor: Executive Office)   Not available Not available
22-0151 14f) PresentationsDiscussion and Possible Action Including Review, Adoption, Amendment, Consideration or Ratification of Legislation Pursuant to the Adopted Legislative Platform (Sponsor: Executive Office)   Not available Video Video
22-0939 15a) AgreementDiscussion and Possible Action Including Approval of Employment Agreement Between the County of Mendocino and Darcie Antle to Serve as Mendocino County’s Chief Executive Officer for the Term of July 12, 2022 Through July 11, 2026, with No Change to Existing Salary that was Previously Approved on March 15, 2022, BOS Agreement No. 22-070 for the Amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000), with Compensation Including Benefits Totaling Three Hundred Thirty-Eight Thousand Dollars ($338,000)/Annually (Sponsor: Supervisor Williams)   Not available Video Video
22-0925 15b) ApprovalDiscussion and Possible Action Regarding Board Ad Hoc Committees Including Disbanding Ad Hoc Committees that Have Concluded Business Pursuant to Board of Supervisors Rules of Procedure - Rule No. 31 (Sponsor: Supervisor Williams)   Not available Video Video
22-0926 15c) ApprovalDiscussion and Possible Action Regarding General Support of a Living Wage Ordinance Concept to Help Low Wage Workers Earn an Hourly Wage Sufficient to Live with Dignity and to Achieve Economic Self-Sufficiency, and Direction to Supervisor Williams to Incorporate Specific Ideas from the Discussion (Sponsor: Supervisor Williams)   Not available Video Video
22-0931 15d) ApprovalDiscussion and Possible Action Including Direction to Staff to Conduct Legal Analysis Regarding Regulation of Water Extraction/Mining from Private Wells for Commercial Purposes and Water Hauling (Sponsors: Supervisor Haschak and Supervisor McGourty)   Not available Video Video
22-0941 15e) ApprovalDiscussion and Possible Action Including Acceptance of Attachments and Report Out Regarding Potential Grant Opportunities, Currently Funded Water Projects Through California Department of Water Resources (DWR), Workshop Presentation from California Department of Water Resources and California Water Boards Outlining New Legislation SB 552, Memo from Supervisor Mulheren, and Memo from Supervisor Gjerde; and Direction to Staff as Determined (Sponsors: Supervisor Mulheren and Supervisor Gjerde)   Not available Video Video
22-0195 15f) PresentationsSupervisors’ Reports Regarding Board Special Assignments, Standing and Ad Hoc Committee Meetings, and Other Items of General Interest   Not available Video Video
22-0937 17a) Closed SessionPursuant to Government Code Section 54957 - Public Employee Performance Evaluation - Planning and Building Services   Not available Not available
22-0936 17b) Closed SessionPursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6 - Conference with Labor Negotiator - Agency Negotiators: Darcie Antle, Cherie Johnson, and Jon Holtzman; Employee Organization(s): All   Not available Not available
22-0935 17c) Closed SessionPursuant to Government Code Section 54957 - Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal/Release   Not available Not available
22-0909 13a) MinutesApproval of Minutes of May 17, 2022 Regular Meeting   Not available Not available
22-0910 13b) MinutesApproval of Minutes of June 7, 2022 Regular Meeting   Not available Not available
22-0911 13c) MinutesApproval of Minutes of June 8, 2022 Regular Meeting   Not available Not available
22-0912 13d) MinutesApproval of Minutes of June 21, 2022 Regular Meeting   Not available Not available
22-0940 13e) AppointmentApproval of Recommended Appointments/Reappointments   Not available Not available
22-0797 13f) AgreementAdoption of Proclamation Recognizing July 17 - 23, 2022 as Probation Services Week in Mendocino County (Sponsors: Probation, Supervisor Williams, and Supervisor Haschak)   Not available Not available
22-0930 13g) ApprovalAdoption of Resolution in Support of California Senate Constitutional Amendment 10 (Sponsor: Supervisor Haschak)   Not available Not available
22-0929 23h) ApprovalApproval of Transmission of Letter of Support for California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Consortia Grant for North Bay/North Coast Broadband Consortium (Sponsor: Supervisor Williams)   Not available Not available
22-0948 13i) ApprovalApproval of Transmission of Letter of Support to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Regarding the AT&T Fiber to the Home Deployment in Comptche (Sponsor: Supervisor Williams)   Not available Not available
22-0250 13j) ApprovalAdoption of Resolution Renewing its Declaration of a Local Emergency and Extending the Existence of a Local Emergency Due to Drought Conditions and Imminent Threat of Disaster in Mendocino County   Not available Not available
22-0266 13k) ResolutionAdoption of Resolution Declaring the Continuation of a Local Emergency Related to the Hopkins Fire as Proclaimed by the Chief Executive Officer/Director of Emergency Services and Ratifying the Existence of a Local Health Emergency as Proclaimed by the Health Officer   Not available Not available
22-0917 13l) AgreementApproval of Agreement with Coastal Headwaters Association, the Non-Profit Parent Entity of Whale Gulch Volunteer Fire Company, in the Amount of $45,454.55 from One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric Disaster Settlement Funds for Purchase of Equipment and Supplies, Effective Upon Full Execution through December 31, 2022   Not available Not available
22-0916 13m) AgreementApproval of Agreement with Potter Valley Community Parks and Recreation in the Amount of $20,000 from One-Time Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Disaster Settlement Funds for the Installation of a New Water Well, Effective Upon Full Execution through December 31, 2022   Not available Not available
22-0938 13n) AgreementApproval of Agreement (First Amendment to Purchasing Agent Agreement No. PA 18-349) with OpenGov Inc., Increasing the Amount from $45,000 to $90,000 and Extending the End Date from July 16, 2022, to July 16, 2025, for Continued Use of OpenGov’s Management Reporting Software, Effective July 17, 2019 through July 16, 2025   Not available Not available
22-0919 13o) ApprovalApproval of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Lake County Air Quality Management District, for Interim Air Pollution Control Officer Services, with a Term from August 1, 2022, through January 31, 2023, and a Total Cost of Up to $27,400   Not available Not available
22-0902 13p) AgreementApproval of Retroactive Agreement (First Amendment to PA 21-221) with Bart Kronfeld, Esq. in the Amount of $42,400 for a New Agreement Total of $84,800 to Provide Legal Services for the Mendocino County Public Defender’s Officer, Effective June 30, 2021 through New End Date of June 30, 2023 (Original End Date June 30, 2022)   Not available Not available
22-0943 13q) AgreementApproval of Mendocino County’s Certification of the June 7, 2022 Statewide Primary Direct Election   Not available Not available
22-0900 13r) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Agreement with Action Network in the Amount of $88,000.00 to Provide Mental Health Services Act Funded Programs Meeting Service Criteria for Community Services and Supports Outreach and Engagement and Parent Partners, and Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Prevention Services, Effective July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-0907 13s) OrdinanceAdoption of an Ordinance Adding Chapter 5.190 Relating to Fees for Public Records Act Requests   Not available Not available
22-0838 13t) ApprovalAdoption of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 6.32 - Cannabis Business Tax to Add Section 6.32.055 - Relief From Minimum Tax - Notice and Affidavit of Fallowing   Not available Not available
22-0898 13u) AgreementApproval of Retroactive Agreement with Colantuono, Highsmith & Whatley, PC, in the Amount of $85,000 for Legal Services for the Period of May 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-0899 13v) AgreementApproval of Retroactive Agreement with Colantuono, Highsmith & Whatley, PC, in the Amount of $85,000 for Legal Services for the Period of May 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-0884 13w) ApprovalAuthorization for the Agriculture Commissioner to Establish a Restricted Area Access Agriculture Pass Program and a Livestock Pass Program Pursuant to California Food and Agriculture Code section 2350 (“Ag Pass Program”)   Not available Not available
22-0903 13x) ApprovalApproval of Standard Services Agreement with Allied Universal Security Services in the Amount of $210,444 for Security Guard Services at the Ukiah Branch Library from July 1, 2022, Through June 30, 2025, in Order to Provide a Safe Environment at the Ukiah Branch for Patrons, Visitors, and Staff   Not available Not available
22-0920 13y) ApprovalAuthorization for the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to Establish a Capital Improvement Project to Complete Fort Bragg Veterans Hall HVAC and Electrical Panel Replacement, 360 Harrison Avenue, Fort Bragg, in the Amount of $90,000 and Approval to Defund the Board Chambers Chair Replacement Project in the Amount of $90,000; and Authorization for the Facilities and Fleet Division Manager to Act as Project Manager to Enter Contracts and Approve Change Orders for the Projects, Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20142   Not available Not available
22-0933 13z) ApprovalApproval of Appropriation of Funds in Fund 1201, Org Code CI, Increasing Appropriations to Line Item CI-862130 (Maintenance of Structures & Grounds) by $175,000.00, Increasing Line Item CI-862189 (Professional Services) by $175,000.00, and Increasing Line Item CI-864360 (Structures and Improvements) by $4,743,377.00   Not available Not available
22-0934 13aa) ApprovalApproval of Appropriation Transfer of Funds from Fund 1100, to Fund 1300, Org Code CP, Increasing Line Item CP-825490 (State Other Revenue (SB 844)) by $(3,750,000.00), Increasing Line Item CP-827802 (OTO Funds Transfer In) by $(3,000,000.00), Increasing Line Item CP-864365 (Construction In Progress) by $3,115,000.00, and Increasing Line Item ND-865802 (OTO Funds Transfer Out) by $3,000,000.00   Not available Not available
22-0781 13ab) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive First Amendment to BOS Agreement No. 21-053 (Second Amendment Overall) with North Coast Opportunities, Inc. in the Amount of $25,000 for Volunteer Coordination Services and Extending the Termination Date from June 30, 2022 to June 30, 2023, for a Total Three Year Agreement Amount of $110,000   Not available Not available
22-0513 13ac) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Third Amendment to BOS Agreement No. 16-053 (Fifth Amendment Overall) with NEOGOV in the Amount of $28,649 for Fiscal Year 22/23 for a New Agreement Amount of $262,236 and Extending the Agreement Expiration Date from June 30, 2022 to June 30, 2023, for Continued Subscription to Online Employment Services Software and Licensing of Insight Enterprise Edition and Perform and Position Control Integration to Include Recruitment, Selection, Applicant Tracking, Report and Analysis, HR Automation Services and Unlimited Customer Service Support, Position Control Integration and Subscription with for Unlimited Job Posting and Advertisement   Not available Not available
22-0901 13ad) ApprovalCertification of the June 20, 2022 Board of Retirement Election Results Electing Vincent Hawkins, General Member, Second Seat, to a Term Ending November 30, 2025   Not available Not available
22-0892 13ae) ApprovalAuthorization of the Issuance of Administrative Coastal Development Permit CDP_2021-0053 (Desrosiers) to Construct a New 1,605 Square Foot Single-Family Residence, with 443 Square Foot Second Residential Unit, Deck, Garage, Shed, and Associated Improvements, Located at 10980 Palette Drive, Mendocino (APN: 119-070-22)   Not available Not available
22-0893 13af) ApprovalAuthorization of the Issuance of Administrative Coastal Development Permit No. CDP_2021-0055 (Jin) to Develop a Project in Two Phases; Phase 1 Involves Construction of a Single-Family Residence and Accessory Structures; Phase 2 Involves Conversion of a Portion of the Single-Family Residence and One of the Accessory Structures into an Accessory Dwelling Unit and Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit; Located at 43300 Curley Lane, Point Arena (APN: 027-291-16)   Not available Not available
22-0904 13ag) ApprovalAuthorization of the Issuance of Administrative Coastal Development Permit No. CDP_2021-0020 (Bazzano), to Construct a Single-Family Dwelling with Attached Garage, New Well, Septic System, and Driveway with Minimal Grading Proposed and Removal of One (1) Fir Tree, Located at 46611 Iversen Lane, Gualala (APN 142-010-13)   Not available Not available
22-0906 13ah) AgreementApproval of Agreement with Integrated Security Controls, Inc. in the Amount of $87,804.23 for the Purchase and Installation of Video Surveillance System in Juvenile Hall from July 12, 2022, through June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-0301 13ai) ResolutionAdoption of Resolution Finding That State and Local Officials Continue to Recommend Measures to Promote Social Distancing In Connection With Public Meetings   Not available Not available
22-0922 13aj) ApprovalAuthorization to Award a Contract to Cupples Construction in the Amount of $900,000 for Phase II of the Homekey Project at 555 S. Orchard St (Ukiah) for the Period of July 12 2022, through January 30, 2023; Authorization for the Public Health Department to Act as Project Manager to Enter Contracts and Approve Change Orders for the Project, Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20142; and Authorization for CEO or Her Designee to Negotiate and Enter Into Right of Entry Agreements, Shared Use Agreements, and/or Temporary Construction Easements as May be Necessary for Required Fire Access Modifications   Not available Not available
22-0895 13ak) ApprovalRetroactive Approval of an Emergency Purchase of Two Livescan Machines in the Amount of $13,783.82; and Approval to Add the Livescan Machines to the County’s List of Fixed Assets for FY21-22   Not available Not available
22-0923 13al) ApprovalRatification of Submission of Grant Application for The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) High Frequency Communications Equipment Program in the Amount of $60,000 for the Purchase of Radio Equipment to Facilitate Communications With State, Local, and Federal Agencies During an Emergency; Authorization for the CEO/Director of Emergency Services, Sheriff/Assistant Director of Emergency Services, or Undersheriff to Accept Funds and Sign the Resulting Revenue Agreement if Awarded by Cal OES; Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the CEO/Director of Emergency Services, Sheriff/Assistant Director of Emergency Services, or Undersheriff to Execute for, and on Behalf of Mendocino County Any Actions Necessary for Administration of the State of California Office of Emergency Services High Frequency Communications Equipment Program; Approval of Appropriation Increase to Mendocino County Office of Emergency Services Budget Unit 2830 Line Item 825670 in the Amount of $60,000, Line Item 864370 in the Amount of $60,000, Funded from the Cal OES High Frequency Communications Eq   Not available Not available
22-0924 13am) ApprovalRatification of Submission of Grant Application for The 21 CalFire Evacuation Route Planning and Development Grant of $200,000 to Assist Counties Containing State Responsibility Area (SRA) Land with Planning and Creating Evacuation Routes; Authorization for the CEO/Director of Emergency Services, Sheriff/Assistant Director of Emergency Services, or Undersheriff to Accept Funds and Sign the Resulting Revenue Agreement if Awarded by CalFire; Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the CEO/Director of Emergency Services, Sheriff/Assistant Director of Emergency Services, or Undersheriff to Execute for, and on Behalf of Mendocino County Any Actions Necessary for Administration of the 21 CalFire Evacuation Route Planning and Development Grant Program; and Approval of Appropriation Increase to Mendocino County Office of Emergency Services Budget Unit 2830 Line Item 825490 in the Amount of $200,000, Line Item 862230 in the Amount of $100,00, Line Item 862239 in the Amount of $50,000, Funded from the CalFire Evacuation Route Planning and Development Grant Program   Not available Not available
22-0913 13an) ApprovalApproval of Agreement with Chabot-Las Positas Community College District in the Amount of $1,500,000 to Provide Trainings for Individuals Serving Title IV-E Federally Eligible Foster Children Including Resource Parents, Short Term Residential Therapeutic Program Staff, County Staff and Community Based Agencies, Effective July 12, 2022, through June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-0842 13ao) ApprovalApproval of Agreement (Second Amendment to Agreement No. SS-21-026, PA No. 21-187) with Eversole Mortuary in the Amount of $25,000 for a New Total of $95,000 to Provide the Handling and Disposition of Last Remains of Decedents of Mendocino County Who Have No Relatives or Other Person Legally Empowered to Authorize Cremation and Disposition, Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023; and Approval of Appropriation Transfer of Funds Shifting $31,570 Within Fund 1100, Org. Code GR, Account String 86-3112, and Increasing Funds in Fund 1100, Org Code GR, Account String 86-2186   Not available Not available
22-0835 13ap) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Agreement with Mendocino County Youth Project in the Amount of $506,356 for Rapid Re-Housing Services, Housing Case Management Services Necessary to Prevent, Prepare for and Respond to Coronavirus Among Individual Youth and Youth-Led Families with Children Who Are Experiencing Homelessness in Mendocino County, Effective October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022   Not available Not available
22-0914 13aq) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Agreement with Redwood Community Services, Inc., in the Amount of $392,423 to Provide Family Urgent Response System Mobile Response Services to Current and Former Foster Youth Through Age 21 for Department of Social Services, Family and Children’s Services, Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-0915 13ar) ApprovalApproval of Retroactive Agreement with Redwood Community Services, Inc., in the Amount of $449,748 to Provide Immediate Placement Services for High Needs Children Placed by the Department of Social Services, Family and Children’s Services, Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023   Not available Not available
22-0804 13as) Resolution-AgreementAdoption of Resolution Approving Department of Transportation Agreement Number 220003, Professional Services Agreement with Geo-Logic Associates, in the Amount of $605,763 for the Term Beginning Upon Execution of the Agreement Through July 31, 2027, for Landfill Monitoring and Reporting Services, and Authorizing the Director of Transportation to Sign Any and All Amendments to the Agreement Not Exceeding $60,576 (Gualala, Caspar and Laytonville Areas)   Not available Not available
22-0908 13at) ApprovalApproval of Outdoor Festival Application for the Northern Nights 2022 Festival to be held July 15-17, 2022, in Piercy and Authorization for the Treasurer-Tax Collector to issue the Outdoor Festival License   Not available Not available